Styling any component

Styling any component

twc can be used on all your own or third-party components as long as they accept a className prop.


Sometime you may want to style components from libraries like Radix (opens in a new tab) or React Aria Components (opens in a new tab) or your own cooked components.

In this example, we style a HoverCard from Radix:

import * as HoverCard from "@radix-ui/react-hover-card";
import { twc } from "react-twc";
const HoverCardContent = twc(
)`data-[side=bottom]:animate-slideUpAndFade data-[side=right]:animate-slideLeftAndFade data-[side=left]:animate-slideRightAndFade data-[side=top]:animate-slideDownAndFade w-[300px] rounded-md bg-white p-5 shadow-[hsl(206_22%_7%_/_35%)_0px_10px_38px_-10px,hsl(206_22%_7%_/_20%)_0px_10px_20px_-15px] data-[state=open]:transition-all`;
export default () => (
    <HoverCard.Trigger>Hover me</HoverCard.Trigger>
      <HoverCardContent>Hello from hover card</HoverCardContent>

If you need to specify some default props, you can use additional props. For example you can define the sideOffset by default using attrs constructor:

const HoverCardContent = twc(HoverCard.Content).attrs({
  sideOffset: 5,
})`data-[side=bottom]:animate-slideUpAndFade data-[side=right]:animate-slideLeftAndFade data-[side=left]:animate-slideRightAndFade data-[side=top]:animate-slideDownAndFade w-[300px] rounded-md bg-white p-5 shadow-[hsl(206_22%_7%_/_35%)_0px_10px_38px_-10px,hsl(206_22%_7%_/_20%)_0px_10px_20px_-15px] data-[state=open]:transition-all`;

Specify props

When you wrap a component with twc, it infers the component's props automatically. However, this can sometimes result in unpredictable behavior. In such scenarios, it's better to define the props manually.

For example, with the @radix-ui/react-accordion (opens in a new tab) component, its complex props like type and collapsible might not be inferred correctly by twc. To prevent issues, explicitly declare these props when using twc. This explicit declaration ensures accurate prop handling, avoiding potential problems.

import * as React from 'react'
import * as AccordionPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-accordion";
import { twc } from "react-twc";
const Accordion = twc(AccordionPrimitive.Root)<React.ComponentProps<typeof AccordionPrimitive.Root>>`py-2`;
export default () => {
  return (
    {/* This work without any type error, `collapsible` is authorized when `type="single"` */}
    <Accordion type="single" collapsible>