className prop

The className prop

All twc components accepts a className prop that allows you to extend classes of your component.

Extend classes

twc uses clsx (opens in a new tab) to merge classes, it means you can specify any format accepted by clsx to extend class.

import { twc } from 'react-twc'
const Title = twc.h2`text-2xl font-bold`;
// Strings
<Title className="uppercase" />
// Array
<Title className={[false, 0, "uppercase"]} />
// Objects
<Title className={{ uppercase: true }} />
// Nesting
<Title className={[{ uppercase: true }, "underline"]} />

Solve class conflicts

By default classes are not merged. If you want to merge classes, you can use twc with tailwind-merge (opens in a new tab).

import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
import { clsx } from "clsx";
import { createTwc } from "react-twc";
// Using `clsx` + `twMerge` for a complete flexibility (taken from shadcn/ui)
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
  return twMerge(clsx(inputs));
// We named it `twx` to have better autocompletion
export const twx = createTwc({ compose: cn });
import { twx } from "./utils";
const Card = twx.div`rounded-lg border bg-slate-100 text-white shadow-sm`;
// tw-merge will automatically resolve conflict between `rounded-lg` and `rounded-sm`
<Card className="rounded-sm" />;